GCU's Cyber Center of Excellence

Next Virtual Meetup: 2/18

GenCyber Student Camp 2025 registration is now open!

Would you like to learn how to hack, explore aspects of cybersecurity, and teach it to others? By coming to one of these camps, participants can learn more about the field of cybersecurity, along with other STEM activities.

GenCyber Student Camp will be hosted by GCU in our CCE on June 9-13th. Register here with this link or click on the above QR code.

GenCyber Sudent programs provide a comprehensive learning experience based on the GenCyber Cybersecurity Concepts, ethics, cybersecurity careers, and online safety.


Ignite, increase and sustain awareness of secondary cybersecurity content and cybersecurity postsecondary and career opportunities for participants through year-round engagement;

Increase student diversity in cybersecurity college and career readiness pathways at the secondary level; and

Facilitate teacher readiness within a teacher learning community to learn, develop, and deliver cybersecurity content for the secondary classroom in collaboration with other nationwide initiatives.

Partners & Sponsors

How to Find Us

Grand Canyon University

3300 W Camelback Rd

Phoenix, Arizona 85017

Building 57-331

Our 2024 GenCyber Teacher Camp

Here are some free resources for teachers and students!

CCE Discord Channel for GenCyber Resources

MyEMATES Interactives for learning difficult concepts.

Learn Parallax Cybersecurity Tutorial Series

CLARK: Intro to Cybersecurity Lesson Plans

CAE Initiatives • K-12 Pathway Program: RING

Caesar Cipher Wheel Online | Perkley Agents Online Cipher Wheel

Sphero: STEAM Education for All Ages & Stages

Backdoors & Breaches, an Incident Response Card Game

GenCyber Programs FAQ's